
Sunday, June 14, 2015

A vignette for my stake president

In February of 2015, I was called in to meet with my Stake President.  The morning before our appointment, I felt prompted to write the following and give it to him at the time of our meeting:


Jerusalem was at the height of prosperity. The times of conflict during the Hasmonean era under the Maccabees were a distant memory. Now was a time of affluence, peace, and growth. While the Jewish people did not enjoy the same sovereignty of the past, they had been able during these times of Roman rule to grow and become respected. Certainly Jerusalem was considered one of the great Hellenistic cites of its time.

He who has not seen Jerusalem in its beauty, has not seen a beautiful great city in his whole life; and who has not seen the building of the Second Temple, has not seen a handsome building in his life. What is meant by this? Said Abayi, according to others Rabbi Hisda: It means the building of Herod.
Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sukkah chapter 5

Philo, one of the modern Hellenized Jews, described Jersualem during its festivities:

For innumerable companies of men from a countless variety of cities, some by land and some by sea, from east and from west, from the north and from the south, came to the Temple at every festival

These pilgrims were economically crucial. They came from all corners of the empire, bringing with them the latest news and innovations, conducting both retail and wholesale trade and providing a living for large segments of the local population. Jerusalem was prosperous and the material wealth and luxury of the affluent and priestly classes were also evident. Powerful leaders from Rome visited to view its splendor. Even Pliny the Elder the famous Roman scholar had characterized her as:

by far the most famous city, not of Judea only, but of the East”

Timothy lived in the shadow of the great city, just to the south, in the nearby city of Bethlehem. He had returned that day from the Great Sanhedrin – the supreme religious body of the land of Israel. He worked in their great assembly hall. As a leader of the local Sanhedrin, he had business to attend to. A member of the local council and one of the local rabbis had brought to his attention that one of the local members of the synagogue had come to believe in the teachings of a recent agitator among the Jewish people.

This agitator was teaching that the promised Messiah and the kingdom of God were soon at hand. Certainly this is what they had been waiting for. But he also taught against their established order. He claimed that their own history had been a fulfillment of the writings of the prophets showing that the times had arrived where the kingdom would be taken from the Jewish people and given to the Gentiles. He claimed to be a servant, sent from God to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. But he had no authority among the Jews. Only those who had been called by God through the priestly authorities had the right to speak in the name of God. If God had something to say to the Jewish people, it would be through the High Priest – not some lone trouble maker speaking in the wilderness.

Jason, my servant told me that you were hesitant to meet with me.”

I needed some time to pray. I've been fasting and seeking to know God's will.”

Jason, I've received word that you have been listening to and following the words of some man teaching in the wilderness. Is this true? Who is this teacher?”

He is called John the Baptist.”

And this John the Baptist, what is he saying?”

He is preaching that we need to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That we need to prepare for the Lord and make his paths straight.”

Is he saying anything contrary to the teachings of the leaders of the Great Sanhedrin?”

He is preaching that we have changed the rituals, setup our own rules and laws. He is saying we need to get back to our original roots – to the original teachings of the prophets.”

And do you believe this? Certainly we have continued in the law of Moses. We follow with more exactness now. Have you been to the temple recently? Have you participated in the rites and ceremonies? If you go there, then you will be able to feel and know the truth regarding these matters.”

I myself have seen some of the changes there. They have changed since I first started going to the temple.”

God is able to change these rites according to His will. The leaders of this people are inspired as to how to interpret and carry forth the laws, rituals, and ceremonies. They are the only ones authorized by God to do so. Do you believe that Caiphas speaks for God? Do you believe that he is the only one who can speak for God? He and the assembly of the 71 sages are the only true representatives of God here on earth. Do you believe this?”

I did believe this once. But I don't believe this now. They don't seem to bring forth the same fruits of men of God in the past. They speak truths. They teach us to live good lives. They teach us to follow the laws, but I have never heard any of them claim to have received a revelation themselves. The changes to our customs and the changes and additions to the law that I have observed and heard about through our history seem to have mostly all happened behind the scenes. It happens without any official pronouncement that this was God's will or that a revelation has been received to make the change. Each time a new rule is announced, or a new program is setup, we all immediately assume that was due to God initiating the changes even though no one ever claims to have received the revelation to do so from God.”

And this John, does he claim to have seen God?”

Yes. He claims that he was sent with a message from God to be delivered to the Jewish people.”

Jason, God does not work in this way. He is not a God of confusion. Why would he send a message to the Jewish people in any other way then through the leaders of this people? If God has a message for this people, it will come through Caiphas.”

I don't know, but I have felt the Spirit witness to me that John speaks the truth. His message is full of light and truth. He has expounded upon and opened my eyes to the meanings of the writings of the prophets in ways I never before had understood.”

Only God's leaders can correctly interpret the law and the writings of the prophets. What is this message of John's?”

Most of it has been about the prophecies of our time and about the coming forth of the Messiah. His message is in harmony with the words of the prophets. He teaches directly from the words of the prophets in all that he says.”

Well, if that is so, then it should not be a problem. So why has the local Rabbi brought this to my attention? Why is he concerned?”

He also has taught that the Jews have lost their authority. He has taught the Lord has used him as a means of overthrowing the kingdom of the Jews and that the kingdom of God will be taken from them and will be given to another people – to the Gentiles. He has taught that we need to be baptized anew as a sign to God and that there will be a new covenant.”

This is blasphemy. You must see this. We are God's chosen people. The kingdom of God will not be taken from the Jewish people. Our leaders have taught us that we will always continue as God's people until the Messiah comes to rule and reign upon the earth. We will always be God's chosen people.”

But even our own writings teach of the times of the Gentiles.”

Yes, but the Gentiles receive the blessings of God's word through us. We are the seed of Abraham. Through us, the Gentiles and all the earth will be blessed. All nations are blessed through the seed of Abraham. That is the promise.

Regarding this baptism of John. I have heard that you have been baptized. Is this true?”

Yes. It has changed my life. I have felt the Spirit more since being baptized. I have been changed, my heart and desires have been changed as well. I no longer...”

Jason, you are being deceived. This John is an imposter. He has no authority and has not been called of God through the proper order. God always follows that order. You realize that there are to be no rites performed except by the approved officiators. The Levites are the only ones who can perform a spiritual rite and they do so only under the authorization of the Sanhedrin and the Rabbis. You have violated our rules by doing so. It is sacrilege to participate in unauthorized rites. A council must be convened against you. It is likely you will be removed from the synagogue.”

There is no need to convene a council. I sent a message to my Rabbi letting him know that I would remove myself voluntarily. I do not wish my friends to bring condemnation upon themselves by disciplining me for following the words of a true messenger of God. I will leave on my own.”

You realize that if you do this you will lose all your rights and blessings.”


You come from a good Jewish family. Why would you turn your back on your heritage? Why would you abandon all that you have received in order to follow this imposter?”

Because the Spirit has told me that he is a true messenger. He speaks the words of God.”

So be it. I see you cannot be convinced or reasoned with and that you are set to abandon all that is good. I am very sorry to see you do this. I wish you would reconsider.”

After Jason left, Timothy sat and thought about how sad a situation this was. One of his flock was being deceived and being led away -- now, at the very time of their greatness – now, at the very time where the kingdom was growing in strength and being received and looked to by the other nations of the world. And soon the Messiah would come. Once the Messiah came, the Jewish people would be able to throw off the yoke of the Roman empire. The Jewish kingdom would rise again like in the days of David and Solomon, but this time with the true Messiah as their king. This fledgling movement among the Jewish people would soon be crushed and fade away. And this John, this imposter – this John the Baptist – he too would soon be lost to history. Time would soon tell.

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