(Recently an article of the same name was posted on Latter-day Commentary with the answer to a question about the signs related to the fullness of the Gentiles: http://latterdaycommentary.com/2015/05/21/the-fullness-of-the-gentiles/ )
Hello Family,
As my family, I feel it important to share some things I have been observing these last couple of years. My sense of things is that we are soon to witness some big changes and I wanted to share some of the things I have observed and that I have received. I have for the most part kept these things to myself during these last couple years as I have felt the spirit has told me to hold my peace. Recently, however, I have felt that the spirit has said to me that it is now time for me to speak up and bare testimony to my family members. I am not asking you to blindly accept this but I do ask that you to keep an open heart and an open mind and suspend judgment until you have read the matter completely through. I then ask that you pray about these things for yourselves.
I entitled this e-mail the fullness of the gentiles because I believe we are about to the time where the gospel is going to be taken back from the gentiles and given back to the remnants of the House of Israel. When Christ came among the Jews, they rejected Him for the most part except for a few. Those few were the ones who then were commissioned to take the gospel to the Gentiles. A transfer of the gospel from one people to another occurred. I believe this scenario is about to repeat in our day, but in the opposite direction. The fullness of the gentiles will come in and many of the gentiles will end up rejecting the truth while those who see what is happening will have a part in helping the remnant build Zion.
The Book of Mormon is full of prophecies about this in 1st Nephi, 2 Nephi, Jacob, 3 Nephi, Mormon, and Moroni. If you study the context of the word "gentile" in the Book of Mormon, it is apparent that we, the LDS people, are the ones the writers of the Book of Mormon were writing to. This is obvious since we are the ones who would be reading their warnings. The words of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon are interspersed with prophecies about the restoration of the remnant in order to help us understand the patterns and what will happen. So what does the Book of Mormon tell us about the gentiles and the remnant of Lehi's seed? There are parallels in 1 Nephi and in 3 Nephi. I think the scriptures in 3rd Nephi are the most clear on this point.
" 10 And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall asin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be blifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, andcmurders, and dpriestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall erejectthe fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them.
11 And then will I aremember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them.
12 And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the aknowledgeof the fulness of my gospel.
13 But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be anumbered among my people, O house of Israel.
14 And I will not suffer my people, who are of the house of Israel, to go through among them, and tread them down, saith the Father.
15 But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall atread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel."
When Christ came among the Jews, the Jews had dwindled in unbelief - a term that is used often in the Book of Mormon. The interesting thing is that in general most of the Jewish people had no idea that they had dwindled in unbelief. They did not understand their scriptures, they did not understand what their ordinances were trying to teach them. As a result, when the very savior of the world came among them, many of them were unable to recognize the fulfillment of prophecy. Due to the traditions of their time, they were blind to the fact that the Savior of the world had come among them. There were some who were awake and understood and recognized Christ, but most did not. They instead held to the traditions and beliefs common to the times in which they lived. We think we are so much smarter than the foolish Israelites who didn't know their scriptures and didn't recognize the fulfillment of prophecy in their day. The church is still under condemnation for taking the Book of Mormon lightly. I suspect this pattern will repeat and many will fail to recognize the fulfillment of the prophecies for our day.
Some believe that "gentiles" refer to those who are not LDS. However, I believe a careful study of how that word is used throughout the Book of Mormon does not support this thought. This is especially true when you read the last chapters at the end of 2nd Nephi. It talks about "all" churches of the day. It talks about those who would be lulled to sleep with "all is well in Zion".
Regarding the quote from 3 Nephi 16 above, I would like to share the following quote as well:
"Why is the remnant that will build Zion also going to tear in pieces and trample under foot the gentiles? Why or how do they do that? Oh, stop thinking of Zion as a bunch of action film heroes, a Rambo with a howitzer in his hand, and instead start thinking about the image of Babylon to be torn in pieces and be trodden under foot. You do not need anything other than the truth to tear in pieces the Gentile‘s false kingdoms. And I can assure you, it will all be trodden under foot by the truth. All that is needed is the truth proclaimed by someone sent by Him, then rejected by those claiming they are God‘s chosen, saved people, and the Lord will bring the entire Gentile idol down to ashes. Then it will be trodden under foot." - Denver Snuffer
There are patterns in the scriptures. We are told by Nephi to liken the scriptures unto us. Those patterns are there to help us know what to watch for.
When Christ went to get baptized, why did he not go inquire of the current ecclesiastical authority of His day. Who was John the Baptist in that time? He was not one that the people would have normally considered someone with authority. The Jewish leaders questioned Christ when he worked miracles. Basically, they said, you have no right to be doing these things, you are not part of the official and authorized group.
Who was Lehi? He was not among the Elders of the church or did not hold any office. Who was Abinadi? Who did he come to? He testified to those that represented the current church government in the area. Alma recognized his message of truth even though Abindadi was not one as having authority. Who was Samuel the Lamanite? Why did he have to come and tell the Nephites to repent? Didn't they, the Nephites, already have a church established?
Why is this pattern repeated over and over again? Are we not to liken this to ourselves? Would we recognize it if it happened or do we have a different "doctrine" regarding how this would work?
Lehi fled out from among the Jews in order to be preserved. Nephi had to flee from his brethren in order to avoid being killed. Alma and his followers had to flee from King Noah. The people of Ammonihah cast out the believers from among them. The Zoramites did the same thing. The Lamanites who were converted had to flee from the other Lamanites in order to be spared. The Nephites who had not joined the gadianton robbers had to flee and band together in order to be preserved. Lot and his family had to leave Sodom and Gomorrah.
Why is this pattern of the exodus repeated so often? Will it apply to us? Would we recognize a pattern of the righteous being cast out if it happened today? What type of person is being allowed to stay? What type of person is being cast out?
I believe that the sifting process is now beginning and this is why I write this e-mail. During the last couple of weeks, there have been some events which I think are very indicative that this process is now underway.
I know the following linked post is long, but I feel that it brings to light a lot of what is currently happening. I would ask that you read it. I am not necessarily suggesting the reading of the letter to the CES Director (the first link on the facebook post) although that does show how a different type of sifting is occurring. Rather, I am suggesting you read the second link in the post from Brett Bartel. After you read it, again, I would ask that you pray about the ideas to know what is truth.
Like Samuel the Lamanite to the Nephites, I feel that there has been one sent with a message of warning to the modern Latter Day Saints. He says he has been asked by the Lord to give his testimony out across the land in a ten talk series. So far, five of the ten talks have been given. The first one was given in Boise, the second in Idaho Falls, the third in Logan, the fourth in Centerville, and the fifth was given in Orem. They are entitled as follows:
"Be of Good Cheer, Be of Good Courage"
"The Lectures on Faith"
The messenger has stated in the talks that he is not controlling the content of the talks and he is not controlling the dates when they are given or the places he has been asked to speak. He is simply following what he has been commanded. He is paying for the venues and offering an open invitation to any who wish to attend. I have attended three of them in person.
For me, these talks are full of light and truth. They have more light, knowledge, and truth then anything I have received in a long time. When I read them, I am filled with the spirt. The spirit tells me the things being said are true. The scriptures agree with the content of the talks and are quoted from liberally in the talks. I know that the message is true. I also believe that the messenger is a true messenger as well and he has been called to give a warning before the sifting and the cleansing begins in earnest.
The next five talks will be in Grand Junction, San Pete County, St George, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. The last one will be on Sept. 9th of this year. At that point, he will have fulfilled his commission of laying out his testimony upon the land. I believe the Lord is taking measure and notice among the Latter Day Saints. I suspect the that the cleansing and the shifting of the gospel will then being sometime after his talks have been completed.
This messenger has already been cast out of the church. Symbolically and ironically, it was 40 years to the day from the time that he was first baptized to the time that he was cast out. It was on the very day that he was cast out that he started to fulfill his commission of 10 talks over the next year by delivering the first talk entitled "Be of Good Cheer, Be of Good Courage".
The first book this man wrote was about the path to Christ. There are many who have heeded his message and who have witnessed the fruits of his message. Here is one testimony:
There are others who have testified the same thing. There are others who have testified to the truthfulness of this message who have also been cast out. A new blog entry from this past week discusses the irony regarding who is being allowed to stay and who is being cast out.
I had a dual dream six months ago. In the first dream I was in a plane that had been remodeled and as such it was no longer flying right. I brought it up and was thrown out of the plane. This was then followed by a dream in which I was in a house that had been remodeled in ways that it shouldn't and so the house was having problems. Those who were in charge of the house were going after those who were noticing the problems.
When I awoke I prayed for the interpretation and was told that the plane and the house represented the church and the time would come that I would be thrown out.
I was also then led to Joseph Smith's last dream before he was killed which helped me understand my dream further and seemed to confirm the interpretation I had received.
The Prophet's Dream of his Kirtland Farm
"I was back in Kirtland, Ohio, and thought I would take a walk out by myself, and view my old farm, which I found grown up with weeds and brambles, and altogether bearing evidence of neglect and want of culture. I went into the barn, which I found without floor or doors, with the weather-boarding off, and was altogether in keeping with the farm.
"While I viewed the desolation around me, and was contemplating how it might be recovered from the curse upon it, there came rushing into the barn a company of furious men, who commenced to pick a quarrel with me.
"The leader of the party ordered me to leave the barn and farm, stating it was none of mine, and that I must give up all hope of ever possessing it.
"I told him the farm was given me by the Church, and although I had not had any use of it for some time back, still I had not sold it, and according to righteous principles it belonged to me or the Church.
"He then grew furious and began to rail upon me, and threaten me, and said it never did belong to me nor to the Church.
"I then told him that I did not think it worth contending about, that I had no desire to live upon it in its present state, and if he thought he had a better right I would not quarrel with him about it but leave; but my assurance that I would not trouble him at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined to quarrel with me, and threatened me with the destruction of my body.
"While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises, and for a moment forgot me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud.
"When I was a little distance from the barn, I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged, the dream or vision ended." (Recorded 27 June 1844)
"I was back in Kirtland, Ohio, and thought I would take a walk out by myself, and view my old farm, which I found grown up with weeds and brambles, and altogether bearing evidence of neglect and want of culture. I went into the barn, which I found without floor or doors, with the weather-boarding off, and was altogether in keeping with the farm.
"While I viewed the desolation around me, and was contemplating how it might be recovered from the curse upon it, there came rushing into the barn a company of furious men, who commenced to pick a quarrel with me.
"The leader of the party ordered me to leave the barn and farm, stating it was none of mine, and that I must give up all hope of ever possessing it.
"I told him the farm was given me by the Church, and although I had not had any use of it for some time back, still I had not sold it, and according to righteous principles it belonged to me or the Church.
"He then grew furious and began to rail upon me, and threaten me, and said it never did belong to me nor to the Church.
"I then told him that I did not think it worth contending about, that I had no desire to live upon it in its present state, and if he thought he had a better right I would not quarrel with him about it but leave; but my assurance that I would not trouble him at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined to quarrel with me, and threatened me with the destruction of my body.
"While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises, and for a moment forgot me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud.
"When I was a little distance from the barn, I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged, the dream or vision ended." (Recorded 27 June 1844)
In the Book of Mormon, the Bible, and the Doctrine and Covenants, there are lists of approximately 12 gifts of the Spirit that are supposed to abound when the Saints were obedient to the commandments:
speaking in tongues
interpretation of tongues
visitation of angels
written revelations
power to do miracles
healing of blind, lame and deaf
raising the dead
use of seer stones
seeing the Savior
As a barometer of determining the "orderliness" of the Church today, how many of these gifts, if any, are manifest among the leaders and members of the Church?
where is the prophecy? Where is the revelation? Where are the books that gentiles are supposed to bring forth? Where is Zion and the law of consecration?
Spiritual destruction comes from doing things contrary to the Word of God. If we were in or nearing a state of spiritual destruction you would see some of the following signs:
- Changing of sacred ordinances to be more acceptable to man.
- Obeying the word of man rather than the word of God.
- Institution of policies which are based on scriptures but are actually different.
- Gifts of the Spirit are not publicly manifest.
- Instead of money being used for sacred purposes it is invested in the Babylonian market.
- Condemning Saints for practicing the commandments of God.
- Desiring to be more acceptable to the world.
- Obeying the word of man rather than the word of God.
- Institution of policies which are based on scriptures but are actually different.
- Gifts of the Spirit are not publicly manifest.
- Instead of money being used for sacred purposes it is invested in the Babylonian market.
- Condemning Saints for practicing the commandments of God.
- Desiring to be more acceptable to the world.
2 Nephi 28
13 They arob the bpoor because of their fine sanctuaries; they rob the poor because of their fine clothing; and they persecute the meek and the poor in heart, because in their cpride they are puffed up.
14 They wear astiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and bwhoredoms, they have all cgone astray save it be a dfew, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are eled, that in many instances they do ferr because they are taught by the precepts of men.
That is just a short list, there are many more signs. What this shows is things that we should look for, to know when we are nearing the time of the One Mighty and Strong.
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